Friday, May 19, 2017

One Year Ago...

Above, The Beast at Ventura Beach RV Resort last year. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

It is hard to believe how fast this past year went by.

It was one year ago today that I went to Ventura Beach RV Resort for some badly-needed R & R after days of turmoil. Instead of re-capping what went on, just go here.

I liked the park so much that I declared it my getaway "Camp David" whenever I just wanted to get away from it all. I've been back several more times.

Above, the playground and propane tank. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

I've been "itching" to head back there, but, unfortunately, the nearby Ventura River overflowed its banks during a storm in February and the owners have been working to get the RV park back in shape in time for its re-opening on July 4th weekend.

They wrote on their website:
We are currently accepting reservations starting on June 30th (4th Of July weekend). Due to the flooding of the Ventura River on February 17, 2017, we will be closed until said date above (June 30th, 2017).  
Look for an announcement soon with additional details. 
We will be sending a notice out to those with currently booked reservation who will be impacted by this closure.  
Thank you for your patience and support as we work to re-open as quickly as possible.
As soon as they have re-opened, I'll be heading over there.

Here's my review of Ventura Beach RV Resort from last year.

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