Friday, January 19, 2018

Crunch Time

It is now past the halfway point of this month. I guess I am in "crunch time" with the impending close of the home sale and the move to New Mexico.

Things got a little complicated when I came down with the flu earlier this week. Thankfully, it is subsiding and I am getting some energy back. It should be completely gone in a few days.

With the lack of energy, I missed some days where I could have been packing. I did manage to go to U-Haul to pick up some more boxes today. It looks like it might rain tonight.

Jess will be heading to Iowa this coming Thursday. I will have to help her get her stuff in one place so the movers her dad hired can load everything up. She will then fly to Des Moines.

I will have to go to Gallup on January 28 to sign the final papers, do the final inspection walk-through, hand over the check and fly back home, all on the 29th. I will be flying to Albuquerque and renting a car there to drive to Gallup (125 miles).

Above, Asya and I back in October 2016 at the Odyssey Restaurant. Photo by Lori Thornhill.

In the meantime, Asya is in Los Angeles on a visit and wants to hang out before I move. We will probably meet up sometime this coming week. This will be the first time seeing her since the portrait unveiling party at the Odyssey Restaurant in October 2016. Since then, she's been in New York, St. Petersburg (Russia), China and other places.

There's other things I have to do and people to see before moving. Just hope I can get everything done before the movers show up on January 31.

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