Friday, January 19, 2018

Government Shutdown: Mail Delivery Yes, Yosemite No

Above, Yosemite's Half Dome. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

The Democrats are up to their old extortion tricks, namely, shutting down the government if they don't get their way in having the Republicans meet their demands on DACA.

The House passed a government-wide four-week funding bill. Sen. Charles Schumer's Democrats in the Senate have served notice they will filibuster the bill.

From the Sacramento Bee:
It’s not a good weekend to plan that road trip for a wintertime twirl on the ice under Half Dome in Yosemite National Park. 
The prospect of a government shutdown means the park gate – and the vendor who’d rent you those ice skates – might be closed for business as of Saturday, unless Congress can strike a deal to keep the federal workforce running. 
As of Thursday, leaders at federal agencies said they’re still hoping lawmakers can overcome differences to keep their doors open after this weekend. The hang-up appears to be over whether a deal for a new spending bill should also extend immigration protections for people known as “Dreamers” whose parents brought them to the U.S. at a young age. 
“We fully expect the government to remain open, however in the event of a shutdown, national parks will remain as accessible as possible,” a spokesman for the National Parks Service said. 
Still, agencies are making plans just in case they have to send some workers home. In California, 140,000 civilians work for the federal government. 
Here’s a look at how the shutdown might affect you and the government services you use.
To read more, go here

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