Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Hawaiian Airlines Said To Have "The Most Unhealthy Food"

Above, a Hawaiian Airlines jet at Honolulu Airport. Photo by Armand Vaquer.


An article has been posted claiming that Hawaiian Airlines serves the "most unhealthy food" of all the airlines in the United States.

Wings Journal wrote:
If you will be traveling to or from Hawaii and are trying to eat healthy, then you may want to think twice before booking with Hawaiian Airlines. According to, this airline has the most unhealthy food of all the airlines in the United States. Dr. Charles Platkin is the founder of He stated that one snack box has 342 calories. One individual snack has 460 calories. One meal has 971 calories. 
It is best for anyone to avoid eating at high altitudes. However, hunger is something that is hard to ignore. If you eat while on a flight, then the best thing for you to eat is hummus and chips. This is one of the best choices because it has fewer calories. If you prefer a meal instead of snack, then it is best for you to try the green salad and Penne Pasta Bolognese Sauce.

To read more, go here

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