Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Drivers Greeted By Sanctuary State Signs

Drivers entering California are being greeted by "Official Sanctuary State" signs.

These signs aren't really "official", but put up by unknown artistic people as a prank. Governor Jerry Brown and the Democrats in the California legislature asked for this when they passed the "sanctuary state" law.

According to Fox News:
Drivers entering California are being greeted with signs proclaiming the liberal bastion an "OFFICIAL SANCTUARY STATE," according to photos and videos circulating on social media appearing to show a prankster attached the official-looking blue signs just below legitimate "Welcome to California" markers. 
The sanctuary state sign, which adds "Felons, Illegals and MS13 [gang members] welcome," is similar to one hung up by a Malibu activist last year.  
“Democrats Need The Votes!” reads a message on the signs, which are plastered with the Great Seal of California and a donkey, one of the symbols of the Democratic Party.

Of course, liberals have no sense of humor.

To read more, go here

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