Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Prince Charming Is A Sexual Predator!

The Looney Left Report

Let's see. The only way Sleeping Beauty could be woken up from her sleep, she has to be kissed by a prince. Okay, gotcha!

But, in today's climate, the bitch has to remain in slumber for eternity!

Fox News reported:
Prince Charming may not be so charming after all. 
Disney’s fairytale princes are sexual predators, according to a Japanese gender studies and sociology professor. 
Kazue Muta, an Osaka University professor and author of “Sir, That Love is Sexual Harassment!” a book on workplace sexual harassment, argued in December that princes from “Snow White” and “Sleeping Beauty” portray “quasi-compulsive obscene sexual acts on an unconscious partner.”
Feminazis and liberals are progressively (pun intended) cutting off the balls of men. There's going to be an awful lot of barren women in the future if this nonsense continues.

To read more, go here.

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