Monday, March 5, 2018

Academy Awards' Memoriam Segment

Above, Haruo Nakajima in 2008. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

It used to be that I enjoyed watching the Academy Awards.

But I haven't watched it in years as the so-called stars of today are nothing but pompous, politically correct windbags. Plus, I rarely ever go see the movies nominated for the top awards.

However, one segment that usually caught my attention is the memorial segment on actors and filmmakers who have passed on during the previous year. And, of course, who in the list of the dearly departed got snubbed.

Apparently, there are some who are upset that several prominent people didn't make the list.

According to AOL Entertainment:
However, as always, there were quite a few stars who didn't make the televised segment and it rubbed a lot of people online the wrong way. Among the snubs that drew the most ire were actors Powers Boothe, Robert Guillaume, John Hillerman, Adam West, Jim Nabors, John Mahoney, Rose Marie and Jerry Van Dyke.

There were others, including directors Tobe Hooper and Lewis Gilbert. To read the AOL Entertainment article, go here.

However, one star many of us are still mourning was included: Haruo Nakajima.

According to
On August 7th, 2017 the Godzilla fandom lost its most beloved star: Godzilla himself. Hollywood did not forget this loss. Haruo Nakajima, the man who played Godzilla in 12 different films, was included in the Oscars' memoriam segment.

Yes, Godzilla made it, but Batman didn't. 

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