Monday, March 5, 2018

Finished "Witness To Roswell"

Above, the next book I will be reading.

Just about a half hour ago, I finished reading Witness To Roswell. To say that this was a great read would be an understatement. It was the first of two books I ordered through Amazon.

The book was well-researched and well-documented. The writers, Thomas J. Carey and Donald R. Schmitt, approached the Roswell Incident as if they were prosecuting a case, albeit a "witness case". The book is loaded with statements by witnesses to the events in 1947. The book is so loaded with documentation that it may seem like overkill. But it is better to have too much documentation (to win a case) than not having enough.

The second book I ordered is supposed to arrive this coming Saturday. This will at least give me a few days of rest between book readings. The second book is The Day After Roswell by Philip Corso. I am familiar with Corso from his guesting on the Art Bell show back in the 1990s.

These books will get me up-to-speed on the Roswell Incident of July 1947 in preparation for my attending the 2018 UFO Festival in Roswell in July.

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