Friday, March 9, 2018

Jerry Brown's Choo-Choo Cost Skyrockets

The Looney Left Report

California Governor Jerry "Moonbeam" Brown and his fellow Democrats in the legislature have one big boondoggle on their hands. And, it's getting even bigger!

That's the bullet train, of course. Now it has been revealed that the cost of the project has jumped.

The Los Angeles Times reported:
The price of the California bullet train project jumped sharply Friday when the state rail authority announced that the cost of connecting Los Angeles to San Francisco would be $77.3 billion and could rise as high as $98.1 billion — an uptick of at least $13 billion from estimates two years ago. 
The rail authority also said the earliest trains could operate on a partial system between San Francisco and Bakersfield would be 2029 — four years later than the previous projection. The full system would not begin operating until 2033.

To read more, go here

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