Friday, March 9, 2018

"The Day After Roswell" Arrives

Above, the book. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

The Day After Roswell by Philip J. Corso (1915-1998) arrived in the mail today and I've already started reading it.

So far, I have completed three chapters.

Here's part of the synopsis of the book in Wikipedia:
The majority of the book is an account of Colonel Corso's claims that he was assigned to a secret government program that provided some material recovered from crashed spacecraft to private industry (without saying where the items came from) to reverse engineer them for corporate use. Corso was a Special Assistant to Lt General Arthur Trudeau, who headed Army Research and Development, and was in charge of the Foreign Technology Desk. In this position, he would take technological artifacts obtained from Russian, German and other foreign sources, and have American companies reverse engineer that technology. The book contends that several aspects of modern technology such as fiber optics and computer chips were developed by using information taken from the craft. 
Colonel Corso also claimed the world was "at war" with extraterrestrials and that the Strategic Defense Initiative project was part of that campaign that was successfully concluded in Earth's favour.

The topic of the crashed UFO in Roswell, New Mexico in 1947 is an interesting one. Of the chapters I have read, the first one deals primarily on the crash and the Army's response when reports came in. Then, the next two chapters go into Corso's experiences in dealing with the military bureaucracy of the Pentagon on down. Those chapters tend to be a dry read.

The book that I read last week, Witness To Roswell, was more of a page-turner. 

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