Saturday, April 14, 2018

Art Bell Dies At 72

Back in the 1990s while working the "graveyard shift", the time would pass very quickly whenever Coast-To-Coast AM with Art Bell would have an interesting topic or guest. My mom had told me about Bell's show and I listened regularly to it during that time.

It has been reported this morning that Art Bell passed away at age 72 (ironically, on Friday the 13th).

According to Radio NK:
One of radio’s most successful syndicated hosts has died. Both the Las Vegas Review Journal and NBC TV in Las Vegas are reporting that Art Bell died at his home in Las Vegas on Friday, April 13. The Nye County Sheriff’s Office announced that an autopsy will be done later this week to determine the cause of death. 
Bell’s paranormal-themed overnight show, “Coast to Coast AM,” was syndicated on hundreds of stations by Premiere back in the 90’s. He left the show in 2002. He also had a show on SiriusXM in 2013. Bell was 72 years old. Most recently Premiere was syndicating Bell’s show Somewhere In Time which was the best in classic Art Bell shows from 6pm – 10pm on Saturdays.

The article is incorrect as Bell died at his home in Pahrump, Nevada, in Nye County, not in Las Vegas (Nye County was referred to as the "Kingdom of Nye" on Bell's show).

Coast to Coast AM continues today with George Noory, but it has never been the same without Bell.

The Tim Burton movie, Mars Attacks!, gave Bell a "tip of the hat" by having the initial meet-up between the Martians and earthlings take place in Pahrump.

To read more, go here.

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