Saturday, April 14, 2018

The Meaning Behind Uncle Jesse's Name On Full House

Above, Elvis's twin brother's cenotaph at Graceland. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

Back in the late 1980s, like many others, we watched Full House on television.

One of the characters, Uncle Jesse (played by John Stamos), was portrayed as an Elvis Presley fan (in a slighly subtle way).

A little bit of trivia on the Uncle Jesse character was posted by

Their article reads, in part:
I recently visited Graceland — the former home of Elvis Presley in Memphis, Tennessee — and Stamos was the narrator for part of the tour (you put on a pair of headphones to learn about each room as you walk through the house). He briefly brings up Full House, and mentions the sweet and slightly heartbreaking way his character pays tribute to Elvis in every single episode, without the audience even realizing it. While Elvis was (and still is) incredibly famous, many people may not know that he had a twin brother. Elvis' parents, Gladys and Vernon, had no idea they were expecting twins, and when their first son was stillborn, they were heartbroken at having lost the only child they thought they would ever have. But just over 30 minutes later, they got the surprise of their life when Elvis made his debut. And what did they name their firstborn son? Jesse. 
Stamos confirmed that his character was named after Elvis' twin brother. It was a way to subtly show his love for his favorite musician, and also to pay tribute to the life Jesse never got to live. At Graceland, Elvis is buried next to his parents and a cenotaph in honor of Jesse.

To read more, go here

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