Wednesday, May 2, 2018

California Bill Would Allow Illegals To Serve On Government Boards

The Looney Left Report

It is stories like the following that makes me thank God that I was given enough wisdom to move out of the People's Republic of Commiefornia. Of course, we can thank the lunatic Democrat dictatorship for the latest in lunacy.

The Daily Caller reported:
As California expands services to illegals residing in the state, legislation introduced Monday in the state legislature would allow them to sit on government boards and potentially collect pay for doing so. 
According to the Sacramento Bee, Democratic state Sen. Ricardo Lara’s bill would change the current law surrounding appointments to state and local boards to include anyone over the age of 18 — without considering whether the nominee is an American citizen.

These illegals have no legal right or any business being in California or in any other state. But guess who the leftist wackos of the Democrat Party caters to? It certainly aren't the citizens of California or legal immigrants.

To read more, go here

1 comment:

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