Thursday, May 3, 2018

John Hamilton, Jr. Passes Away

Above, Jacqueline and John Hamilton, Jr. chat with Jack Larson at the
Superman Celebration luncheon in 2014. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

After a nice drive, I've arrived home from Albuquerque about 20 minutes ago. I only made one stop, and that was at the local "Scottish restaurant" (i.e., McDonalds) in Grants for breakfast.

Unfortunately, I was greeted by some sad news that was posted by Jim Nolt:
Janet Hamilton wrote to me this morning that John passed away after a long and painful battle with cancer. She said again that she, Jacqueline, and John were so happy to attend the luncheon in 2014 and were astounded at the outpouring of affection for John's dad and the "Adventures of Superman." They had no idea that so many people cared. I sent our condolences to Janet and Jacqueline.

It was at the 2014 Superman celebration (consisting of the Tarzana plaque dedication and the luncheon at the Beverly Garland Hotel in Studio City) that Mr. Hamilton (his father, John Hamilton, Sr., was Perry White in the Adventures of Superman) had an enjoyable reunion with Jack Larson. It was the first time John and Jack saw each other in decades.

My condolences to Janet and Jacqueline Hamilton for their loss.

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