Friday, August 10, 2018

The Doctor Visit and the Gallup Inter-Tribal Indian Ceremonial

Above, Indian dolls made by contestants. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

Today marks two weeks since I had my heart incident in Wells, Nevada. And, it was the first time I visited a doctor, a cardiologist, since being released from the St. Luke's Magic Valley Medical Center in Twin Falls, Idaho.

Above and below, artwork on display in the Exhibit Hall. Photos by Armand Vaquer.

After going through the process of getting set up into the clinic's system as a new patient, I was given an exam. Naturally, my blood pressure and pulse rates were checked. Those came out fine. Next, was an electrocardiogram. The process of sticking on the electrodes (or whatever you call them) took longer than the actual procedure. That, too, came out fine.

Then, the doctor came in and we had a discussion on what to do and what not to do as things move forward.

After the doctor visit, I headed out to Red Rock Park to see some of the Gallup Inter-Tribal Indian Ceremonal, a big annual event in Gallup. Since I was unsure if I would be going there after the doctor appointment, I just had my cell phone camera with me.

Above, displays of pottery and Indian rugs. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

First, I went to the rodeo arena to catch the first rodeo performance. But it was already over. I missed it by minutes.

Next, I headed over to the vender area and browsed around. I picked up a t-shirt from the official Ceremonial group.

After that, I went inside the exhibit hall to see the artwork from numerous contestants. Most works were for sale. There was a lot of nice stuff.

Above, artist Jerry Brown and a poster of his painting used for
the official Ceremonial program book. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

I met artist Jerry Brown (no, not THAT Jerry Brown) who painted the cover to the official program book. He had other works on display. His website can be reached at

After going through the exhibit hall, I headed outside and heard drumming and singing over in the Pow Wow area. So I went over there and caught some of it.

Above, the Pow Wow area where singing and dancing were taking place. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

Since I am still recovering, I figured I would wrap up today's visit to the Ceremonial and headed out. I then went for dinner at the Fire Rock Navajo Casino. I had a good dinner of linguine and clams, but the merlot wine about put me into a coma. I was definitely relaxed after that.

I may head back to the Ceremonial tomorrow. It ends this coming Sunday.

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