Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Fun In Roswell For Vacationers

Above, a "preserved" alien at the International UFO Museum and Research Center. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

Roswell, New Mexico has more to offer to vacationers besides UFOs.

A family recently visited Roswell during their vacation last month and recounted their visit to in an article at TravelPulse.

It begins with:
When our family planned this summer’s vacation trip out west, we quickly settled on New Mexico, as it was a place the kids had never been, and it offered a range of activities—from hiking and national monuments to urban retreats, like Albuquerque and Santa Fe. After studying the map for a while, I suggested that we take a side trip to a famous—or perhaps infamous—small town with a big reputation: Roswell. 
Mention Roswell to almost anyone and their response will probably involve UFOs. The city in southeastern New Mexico is a long, lonely drive from most anywhere and boasts not quite 50,000 residents. 
Its claim to fame is the 1947 crash of what some believe was a UFO, but that the government insists was a weather balloon. Conspiracy theorists have had a field day with the story for more than seven decades now.

Because we were traveling with our kids, ages 11 and 17, I thought the side trip would be a fun, if somewhat a cheeseball adventure. And my partner, who’s always up for anything new, agreed that it would be an interesting addition to our trip.
Above, UFO attendees head to numerous UFO stores. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

To read more, go here.

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