Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Leftists Inciting Violence

The Looney Left Report

A Livermore man was arrested for attempting to seriously injure a Republican congressional candidate with a switchblade.

A Wyoming Republican office was set on fire.

A Broadway actress asks, "Where's John Wilkes Booth when we need him?"

A Democrat congresswoman calls for harassment of Republicans and Trump Administration officials at restaurants and other public places.

These and other episodes of deranged liberals/leftists inciting violence are making people fearful for their lives.

The Daily Caller reported:
The political left needs to do a better job of policing its members who are “inciting” violence, according to House Majority Whip Steve Scalise, who narrowly survived a politically-motivated mass assassination attempt in July 2017. 
Noting recent instances of violence against Republicans, Scalise said that “some on the left are inciting this violence and frankly they should be called out on it.” He added that some Democrats are “almost encouraging” political violence.

Anyone even contemplating electing wacko Democrats needs to have their heads examined.

To read more, go here.

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