Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Rush Limbaugh: An Orchestrated Smear of Brett Kavanaugh

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First it was Anita Hill against Clarence Thomas. Now it is Christine Blasey Ford against Brett Kavanaugh. The Democrat playbook is precisely the same: Smear and Ruin.

Rush Limbaugh laid it all out:
We have just standard, ordinary, everyday operational political strategy going on here combined with an attempt yet again by the left to destroy a decent person and his family. And that would be Brett Kavanaugh. The Democrats don’t trust to be able to win on politics alone — and it’s not just Kavanaugh. They need to destroy anybody credible who opposes them. They need to ruin them. As such, I don’t think decent people quite know how to deal with this. Decent people don’t spend their day strategizing like this. 
And, as such, they don’t end up being prepared for it. By definition, decent people are not prepared for this kind of thing. Not that they’re ignorant to it. It’s just they don’t go through each and every day studying and prepping on how to get ready for the next smear job from the Democrat Party.
This woman apparently sends the letter all on her own. But look, it all boils down to just what do we want to believe about the left? And the idea that any of this is spontaneous needs to be rejected.
None of it is. The Democrats have been holding this. They’ve been holding it for use at precisely this time, and I’m not sure I believe that Christine Blasey Ford never wanted to be made known. I don’t believe she didn’t want to go public. I don’t believe that she sent a letter to Feinstein and then said, “Please do not do anything with this. Please do not forward this to the FBI. Please do not name me.” Why send it? I don’t believe any of this. 
There’s no statute of limitations. If somebody claimed that Kavanaugh did whatever he did in kindergarten, the Democrats would be doing the same thing with it today as they’re doing with this.

To read more, go here.

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