Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Senate Showdown: Kavanaugh vs. Ford Coming Monday

It is shaping up to be a major showdown before the Senate Judiciary Committee on Monday between Supreme Court nominee and his accuser Christine Blasey Ford.

According to the Daily Mail (U.K.):
Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh and his accuser Christine Blasey Ford will go head-to-head in testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee next Monday.  
The hearing sets up a potential show down on Capitol Hill, the likes of which have not been seen since Clarence Thomas and Anita Hill testified in 1991 after she accused him of sexual harassment. Thomas was ultimately confirmed after a bitter and bruising battle. 
But the Kavanaugh-Ford hearing comes more than 25 years later, amid the #metoo movement, and when women have been energized after the election of Donald Trump as president.  
Republicans were under heavy political pressure - including some from members of their own party - to hold a public hearing and they finally caved on the issue Monday evening. 
In a related story, Ford deleted all of her social media accounts. Apparently, she has a lot to hide.

To read more, go here.

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