Monday, October 8, 2018

Dotonbori, Osaka's "Eat Street"

Above, interesting restaurant signs are plentiful in Osaka's Dotonbori. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

Three years ago, I visited Osaka's restaurant district, Dotonbori, and partook in a hearty meal. This was one of the things I wanted to see and do while in Osaka. It was well worth the trip.

Dotonbori is an interesting place to visit. Along with enjoying aromas coming from its restaurants, looking at the signs is also a lot of fun.

Osaka is known for its culinary delights and The Guardian has an article on taking a "foodie tour" of the city.

They begin with:
The woman on the early morning train from Osaka station made swift work of a large noodle-stuffed omelette, and just as I was thinking that was a substantial breakfast for a far from substantial person, it was out with the chopsticks again as she set about a generous bento box, its nine compartments filled with rice, fish, veg and pickled bits and bobs. 
But that’s Osakans for you: prodigious appetites for food and, in marked contrast to Tokyoites, also for drinking and general fun. You have to love a city that has a word for “scoff till you drop”. Kuidaore literally means “eat to ruin” (whether that’s financial or physical is not specified).

To feed those appetites, the eating opportunities in central Osaka are many, hugely varied and, for those with only very basic Japanese, mystifying. So we asked Ayako “Aya” Kiyono, an Osaka-born tour guide whose hobby is restaurants, to take us on a night out.
Above, the counter of one Dotonbori eatery. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

To read more, go here

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