Monday, October 8, 2018

Loop Ranch Boss Running for Kern County Supervisor

Above, a creek flows at the Loop Ranch. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

An interesting email from Platrix No, 2, E Clampus Vitus arrived in my mailbox a little while ago.

It announced that the "boss" of the Loop Ranch in Kern County is running for County Supervisor. I don't know if he's a Republican or Democrat (this is a non-partisan office, by the way), but he's been kind enough to allow Platrix to camp at his ranch in Keene.

It said:

Platrix Urges Brethren to Contribute to Campaign

Our Loop Ranch boss is running for County Supervisor in next month's November elections. Let's thank him for letting Platrix have an open invitation to use The Loop for our treks! There is less than one month to go and he would delighted by any contribution you can make. 
Dal Bunn is running for a seat on the Kern County Board of Supervisors in next month's November elections and is is running a grassroots kind of campaign as "An everyday Joe, not a pro". Every dollar counts! 
Platrix cannot contribute, but individuals can and we are urging brethren of Platrix to send a check to Dal's campaign. Please donate what you can up to the personal or corporate limit of $500... any amount will be warmly welcomed.
To contribute, make a check out to: 
Dal Bunn for Supervisor 2018 (ID# 1404046) 
And mail it to: 
Dal Bunn for Supervisor 2018
ID# 1404046
P.O. Box 8
Keene, CA 93531

Above, The Beast at the Loop Ranch. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

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