Monday, December 30, 2019

American Thinker: "Documenting The Virginia Crackdown"

The state of Virginia, understandably, is being watched by people around the country who treasure their Second Amendment rights. What is happening in Virginia state should be watched carefully.

The American Thinker has an article on the fight over guns that everyone should read. The title: "Documenting The Virginia Crackdown".

Here's how it begins:
Recent elections in Virginia have placed the Virginia government within arm's length of widespread gun confiscation.  Around eighty-four counties and cities throughout the Commonwealth have pledged to ignore and resist these measures.  Some Virginia elected officials have called for the National Guard to carry out such confiscation, which would imply the arrest and disarmament of local officials who get in the way.  Governor Northam has stopped short of adopting such an idea, but he will not rule it out.  Additional stories indicate that the government will disable internet and telephone access to affected areas during the crackdown.  The prison budget has been increased in anticipation of gun-related arrests. 
While the idea of soldiers engaged in gun confiscation is not yet a reality, the proposal itself should alarm every sane person in this country.  Elected officials want to send large numbers of uniformed soldiers in combat gear and armored vehicles through residential streets in search of American citizens and their lawful possessions.  The hyperbolic political debates of recent years notwithstanding, government oppression has not yet reached the levels displayed by Stalin, Hitler, or Pol Pot.  But the Virginia gun confiscation discussion begins to come close.  The use of military tanks in residential streets for the purpose of overwhelming law-abiding citizens (and local police) would equal the oppression of Tiananmen Square or the 1968 Prague crackdown. 
Democrat regimes have previously been willing to endure political backlash from the temporary use of military force against civilians.  Waco and Elián González bear witness to this recent history.  The proposed Virginia gun confiscation would be far more widespread, with more enduring consequences.
To read more, go here.

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