Monday, December 30, 2019

Jamestown Cathouse

Since I was basically a shut-in by the cold temperatures yesterday (except when I did some snow shoveling to the garage so I could start and run the Mustang and Jeep for several minutes), I just sat around being entertained by the cats.

My indoor cat, Sierra, was up on her "tree" looking out the window and, at times, napping.

Outside, P.K. and her kittens gathered for a good part of the day on the porch. They were joined by a yellow cat which, I am guessing, is the kittens' pappy. The kittens do have some traces of yellow fur mixed in their otherwise grey fur.

The kittens are weathering the cold temperatures just fine. They live under the deck at the stairs and I have a barrel heater on under the deck for them. I bought them a Cat Condo a few months ago but they've never used it.

I am glad the cats are hanging around. They take care of the rodents around. Last year, rodents chewed on The Beast's dash air conditioning wiring. I had that repaired while I was on the cruise to Cuba in April.

Photos from yesterday:

Above and below, Sierra on her "watchtower". Photos by Armand Vaquer.

Above, P.K. (foreground) and two kittens. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

Above and below, the bear plant stand makes a handy seat. Photos by Armand Vaquer.

Above, "dear old dad" (?) joins the kittens at the feeders. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

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