Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Michael Reagan Discusses California's Insane Ammunition Law

Above, Michael Reagan (left) and yours truly in the 1970s.

If one is a sportsman, gun owner or who needs ammunition for personal protection, the lunatics in California (politicians and voters) have made that quite complicated.

Recently, the question came up about buying ammunition from Arizona or Nevada and bringing it into California. California enacted a law barring the practice of making ammunition purchases out-of-state and bringing it into California.

Michael Reagan, the eldest son of President Ronald Reagan penned an article last summer discussing this very thing.

His article appeared in the Arizona Range News.

Some snippets (highlights are mine):
Dove season opens in California and across the United States on Sept. 1. 
For as long as I can remember, all I had to do when dove season rolled around each year was oil my 1970s-vintage shotgun, buy a case or two of shells at the nearby Big Five sports store and drive toward the Arizona border with my hunting buddies for a few happy days of shooting. 
But thanks to a proposition approved by 63 percent of Californians in 2016 and the leftist Democrat lawmakers in Sacramento who’ve been wrecking the state for 40 years, dove season this year will be much more complicated. 
A new state law aimed at reducing gun violence took effect July 1 that requires anyone who buys ammo for any kind of gun to first pass a state background check
After I pass my $19 background check, I have 30 days to buy the shotgun shells I’ll need. If after 30 days I need to buy more shells, I’ll have to pay another $19 for another background check. 
According to the new law, the only place I’d be allowed to buy more shells is at the same sports store where I passed my background check — which would be hundreds of miles away. 
A person from a less liberal state like Pennsylvania might ask, “Why don’t you just go out of state to Arizona and buy your shells there?” 
It’s a perfectly sensible idea — except that if you are caught bringing more than 90 rounds of ammo into California, you can go to jail
And don’t think you are free to order your ammunition online. Manufacturers aren’t allowed to ship directly to individuals in the state, just to licensed ammunition vendors like Big Five. 
The end result of all this anti-ammo-madness is that, somehow, on Sept. 1, all of us will be breaking the law at some point by sharing shotgun shells. 
It’s the usual California political story — a bad law written by liberals that will do no good and only turn law-abiding citizens like me and my pals into criminals. 
Oh, and there’s another effect of the ammo law that my dog could have predicted — a shortage of ammunition in California.
This is another great reason why I am glad that I moved out of Commiefornia.

To read the whole article, go here

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