Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Mick Rich for Senate News

This morning, I received the following from the Mick Rich U.S. Senate campaign. Officially, I am neutral, so if the other GOP candidates send emails of interest to New Mexico voters, I will post them.


Scorekeeping vs. Performance:
Which Matters Most in Politics?

The "Talking Class" – news media and career politicians – are busy placing betting odds on the 2020 presidential race. Depending on who's talking, odds are looking good for President Trump. The people who don't predict his victory are the same ones who predicted Hillary Clinton would win in 2016.
I thank God and our Founding Fathers that our political leadership is not determined by the Talking Class, but by voters.
But it would be naïve to think that the Talking Class has no power or influence. They just talked their way into an impeachment, wasting their legislative time and our taxpayer dollars.
That's why I need your help right now, as 2019 comes to a close. The two measures that the Talking Class use to score political campaigns are polls and fundraising.
On polling, we're doing great. We lead the Republican primary by a wide margin, and are competitive with the presumed Democratic nominee, Ben Ray Lujan.
But we need your help with fundraising. Please contribute what you can today – $15, $35, $75 or more – before the Dec. 31 cutoff for this reporting period.
We just began the first TV ad campaign of this race (watch the ad here), and we want to stay on air to build the case against radical progressive Ben Ray Lujan. Did you know that you can buy a 30-second TV ad on FOX News for as little as $25? Please buy one ad for us. Better yet, buy four.
Every ad we run will help us defeat Ben Ray Lujan's extreme progressive agenda:
  • Open borders that allow access of illegal drugs and violent gangs
  • The destruction of New Mexico's oil & gas industry, the life blood of our state economy
  • Government-run healthcare
  • Extreme abortion, including infanticide
  • Taking away our guns, while violent criminals keep theirs
  • And Don’t Forget: Ben Ray Lujan is leading the impeachment of our President
These positions by Ben Ray Lujan hurt our state and our people. I oppose all of them. And we can beat him for this open U.S. Senate seat – but only with your help.
Together, let's restore a voice in the U.S. Senate for New Mexico's working families.
Thank you! God bless you.

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