Monday, January 27, 2020

Foreign Traveler Spending In Japan

Above, the Shibuya shopping district. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

The Japan Tourism Agency has released the results of a new study on spending by foreign visitors to Japan.

According to Japan Today:
TOKYO - A new study by the Japan Tourism Agency, part of the Japanese government’s Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism, shows that the Japan travel boom is still going strong. According to the agency, during 2019 foreign travelers spent more money in Japan than ever before, with expenditures from foreign guests totaling roughly 4.8113 trillion yen ($43.739 billion). That’s a 6.5-percent increase over the year before, and also the seventh year in a row for the record to be broken. 
Chinese travelers left more of their money behind in Japan than tourists from any other nation, with the country’s contribution coming to 1.7718 trillion yen (more than a third of the total). Following China were Taiwan, Korea, and Hong Kong, with the United States, in fifth place, the highest-spending non-Asian nation.

To read more, go here

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