Monday, January 27, 2020

Returning Home In A Blizzard

Above, the car before bringing it into the garage. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

Heading down to Denny's at the Flying J was no problem. The snow showers stopped and the pavement was just wet.

Coming back home was a bit of a different story.

Leaving the Flying J wasn't too difficult. Some snow showers were coming down, but it wasn't too much to be concened about. But as I was going further up the hill on Whispering Cedars Road, the snowflakes were more numerous and bigger.

I go to the house okay and I got into the garage to open the garage door. But after I opened it and started walking back to the car to drive it in, I slipped and fell on my butt. Thankfully, there was a good layer of soft snow to land on. So I just laughed.

I got the car into the garage and headed inside the house. It looks like I'll be spending the rest of the day indoors.

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