Monday, August 2, 2021

Back From The Wells Fun Run

Above, a nice 1966 Mustang that's also for sale. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

A day late (I was supposed to get back to New Mexico last night), but I made it back home this afternoon.

A storm moved into the Salt Lake City, Utah area last evening and that caused a snarl with air traffic.

We left Twin Falls, Idaho after waiting about 20 minutes for the storm to clear out some, but after taking off, we were diverted to Pocatello, Idaho. We were there for about an hour to get refueled. No surprise there, as we circled the city for what seemed like forever.

Then we took off for Salt Lake City. That was good, but it caused me to miss my flight from Salt Lake City to Albuquerque. I got an alternate flight the next morning with no problem, but I had to get a room at the Best Western Plus hotel (nice place for a budget hotel). Mitch Geriminsky also missed his flight from Salt Lake City to Las Vegas, Nevada. He elected to sleep in the airport terminal.

It seems like for the past several years that getting to places have been problem-free, but getting back home is another story. Oh, well.

The Wells Fun Run was a lot of fun with all kinds of cars and trucks on displaty. After three years, I finally got to see what I missed when I was airlifted to the hospital. Wells had rain and thunderstorms come through the whole time we were there. Normally, it is sunny and hot in Wells during the summer. 

It was great to see the Wilson family. It has been a year since Wellington "Bill" Wilson passed away. Some of his ashes were scattered at the Wells Fun Run.

Since I didn't bring a computer along, I had to wait until I got home before uploading photos. 

Here's some:

Above, Linda Wilson (Bill's widow) and yours truly. 

Above, the scattering of some of Bill's ashes. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

Above, Mitch Geriminsky at Belle's Restaurant and Cappucino. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

Above, yours truly at Belle's Restaurant and Cappucino. Photo by Mitch Geriminsky.

Above, Clampers from the Lucinda Jane Saunders Chapter with their food booth. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

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