Tuesday, August 3, 2021

Snake River Canyon In Twin Falls

Above, yours truly at the Snake River Canyon. Photo by Mitch Geriminsky.

Before heading to the airport in Twin Falls, Idaho for the return trip home, Mitch Geriminsky and I wandered down to the Snake River canyon. This was before a big thunderstorm hit the area an hour or so later while we were at the airport restaurant.

The settings on my phone camera got out-of-whack when I took a photo of Mitch at the canyon. After some tinkering, I got it to work okay.

Above, Mitch Geriminsky at the Snake River Canyon. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

Before heading out of Wells to go to Twin Falls, I took a shot of the full Super 8 motel in Wells. It had rained all night with plenty of lightning and thunder. 

Above, the Wells Super 8 motel. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

This summer's weather has been loaded with lightning storms. Everywhere we went, it rained with thunderstorms. This included Twin Falls, Wells, Salt Lake City and Pocatello. Usually, we get hot days in Wells this time of the year, but it actually got a little chilly. Of course, nobody brought jackets.

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