Monday, August 30, 2021

Forbes "Ultimate Guide To COVID-19"

Above, yours truly at the Albuquerque Sunport. Photo by Mitch Geriminsky.

The world we live in today is very confusing. Some states are requiring masks, others aren't. In some, vaccinated people don't have to wear them, while in some others they do. Some have restrictive mandates in place, others don't. 

Sometimes, one feels like Richard Dreyfuss in Close Encounters of the Third Kind when he exclaims in frustration, "This is nuts!"

To help in navigating through the muck, Forbes posted the "Ultimate Guide To COVID-19 Restrictions: Masks, Testing, Vaccine Mandates And More". Since their posting is dated August 28, I am assuming that it is up-to-date.

They begin it with:

Gone are the days of planning a carefree getaway on the fly. Nearly two years into the pandemic, it’s now painfully clear that we’re going to be dealing with Covid-related travel restrictions for months and years to come. So it’s essential to do some basic pre-trip homework to assess not only the risk of traveling but what, if any, protocols are in place—not just in a specific destination but along the entire journey.

At the same time, a pattern is emerging, where travel is easier and less restrictive for those who are fully vaccinated. In some major American cities, for instance, vaccine mandates are already in place for indoor dining, sports venues and entertainment arenas. And in many countries around the world, a person’s vaccination status determines whether the welcome mat is rolled out.

So, if those who are reading this are in need of some guidance, go here.

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