Monday, August 30, 2021

Keeping Visitors and Wildlife Safe At National Parks

Above, a mother bear and cub at Yellowstone National Park. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

When visiting a national park, there are rules to follow to ensure that the visit is a safe one.

Upon entering a park after paying the park entrance fee (or showing your Senior Pass), you are handed a brochure and other literature. It is a good idea to read through them.

There are reasons why people should maintain their distance between themselves and all wildlife. It is for your safety and theirs.

KSL NewsRadio has posted an article on keeping visitors and wildlife safe.

They begin it with:

ZIONS NATIONAL PARK, Utah —  When it comes to visiting a National Park, most visitors have an interest in seeing wildlife.

And when that moment arrives, the rush of adrenaline can often get the best of some people. When visitors of a National Park do come across wildlife, it is important to keep a safe distance from them. Even innocent looking critters like squirrels need to be given their space.

To read more, go here

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