Thursday, September 23, 2021

Go Fund Me: Funeral Expenses For Janice Casamero

Our post office clerk down at the Flying J, Janice Casamero, passed away from COVID-19. Everyone in our community will miss her. A GO FUND ME page has been set up by her daughter to raise money for her funeral expenses.

If you can chip in, Janice's family and I will greatly appreciate it.

On September 21, 2021, My Mom Janice Casamero, one of the most beloved members of our family, was taken from this world far too soon due to Covid19. She will be deeply missed.
To say that My family are shocked is an understatement. My Mom was the best Wife, Mom & Grandma a family could ask for and I am lost without her.
I am raising money to cover the cost of funeral expenses. Any amount of money you are able to donate would be greatly appreciated. If you are unable to donate monetary, your prayers & condolences are appreciated as well.
Thank you for taking the time to read, and may God bless you.
To donate, go here.

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