Friday, September 24, 2021

Haitian Illegals in Federal Custody Have “HIJACKED” MULTIPLE Transport Buses

The horror show of the southern border of the U.S. gets worse as each day passes.

The tragedy didn't have to be if only His Fraudulency Joe Biden continued the Trump policies of securing the borders.

The latest involves Haitian invaders (just calling it as it is) coming into the country through Mexico.

According to the Gateway Pundit:

Earlier this week, the crisis on Biden’s southern border became such a free-for-all that a group of illegals actually overpowered federal authorities and stole the bus they were being transported in, using it to make their escape into the US. 

The border agents who were involved were injured in the assault. 

Now, it’s becoming a pattern for other illegals.

According to a senior federal law enforcement official who spoke to the Washington Examiner, ‘multiple’ federal transport buses have been “hijacked” by the Haitian illegals that were in federal custody. The detainees escaped after taking the bus up the road.

To read more, go here

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