Sunday, September 5, 2021

Harassment and Court Orders Force Backstreet Grill To Go Out of Business

Above, Backstreet Grill forced to go out of business by tyrants. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

When governmental dictators, maniacal courts and a hostile puppet media band together against a business, the outcome that Albuquerque's Backstreet Grill tried to avoid becomes inevitable.

After an eighteen month fight, Backstreet Grill has announced that it will close for good today. They had no other choice.

PiƱon Post reported:

Backstreet Grill, an Albuquerque restaurant that put up a valiant 18 month-long fight against Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham’s extreme pandemic edicts, is now saying goodbye after losing a battle with the State.

On Friday, Judge Franchini reportedly dealt the death blow to the restaurant, ordering the small business to close voluntarily following the Albuquerque city attorney Robyn Rose making an “outrageous” request for the Court to terminate Backstreet Grill’s utilities.

The City of Albuquerque and the liberal media have harassed the struggling small business for months, with Backstreet Grill refusing to close their doors and deprive their employees of work, even when the city’s Environmental Health Department took them to court to try to force closure.

According to a press release reviewed by Backstreet Grill’s attorneys, “​​Even after the mask mandates were lifted, the city continued its relentless attacks. They filed for a temporary restraining order without giving notice to the attorneys they KNEW were representing Backstreet Grill. The harassment and intimidation [were] intensified by local news outlets and journalists. Managers have had to call in police to remove those harassing their clientele.” 

Above, yours truly at the Backstreet Grill in June.

It is too bad this had to happen, I dined there back in June and enjoyed my meal.

I hope people remember this and other abuses by the government during next year's election. Simply put, tyranny won. I hope the Backstreet Grill's owners sues the crap out the tyrants.

To read the full article, go here.

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