Sunday, September 5, 2021

Noise Pollution and Camping

Above, in Barstow, California. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

One of my pet peeves is having to camp near noisy neighboring campers.

The noise pollution could be from their RV's engine, generator and even their brats. 

RV Life has posted an article on noise pollution and what can be done to reduce it.

They start it with:

Many people who love to camp have a deep respect and love for the outdoors. It’s great to spend some time out in nature and detach from the busy world. Because this natural escape is so rewarding, it’s only fair that we all do our part to minimize our impact on nature when we camp. Things like picking up trash and lighting fires safely should be second nature, but one area of camping that’s often overlooked is noise pollution.

Humans (whether we like it or not) leave an impact everywhere we go. Sometimes these consequences are easy to see, but sometimes they’re more nebulous. Noise and light pollution are two types of impacts that can cause bigger problems than you might think. These effects are not as obvious as contaminated water or smoky air, but they can still have major impacts on the surrounding wildlife.

To read more, go here

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