Sunday, September 12, 2021

Hawaii Is Not Closed, Go Ahead and Plan A Trip

Above, the pool area of the Sheraton Waikiki. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

Despite what Hawaii's governor said a week ago, Hawaii is not closed. A sound bite got a little bit blown out of proportion by the media. It was even picked up by this blog.

That is the crux of an article in the Monroe News Star.

According to their article:

Don't come to Hawaii.

These words, spoken by Hawaii's Governor David Ige, became the sound bite takeaway from a press conference last week that traveled around the world.  Said in response to a question about the islands' recent surge in Covid 19 cases, where-- just like us in Louisiana-- hospitals  are jammed to capacity, the governor spoke honestly and further explained,   "Now is not a good time to travel to Hawaii...give us 6 to 7 weeks to make significant changes."

The intent of his message was a plea to postpone your trip to the islands until the end of October, but, let's be honest, the "don't come to Hawaii" sound bite certainly reads better.  Media and marketing experts tell us that if a text, an image, or a video cannot be digested within 8 and 30 seconds or less, there is little hope the content will ever be read.  On the phone, attention span drops off after 15 seconds.

To read more, go here.

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