Saturday, September 11, 2021

Remembering 20 Years Ago Today

Above, the World Trade Center under attack in New York.

September 11, 2001 is one of those days that is forever etched into the minds of those living at the time.

Like the Pearl Harbor attack on December 7, 1941 and the assassination of President Kennedy on November 22, 1963, those living will remember where they were, what they were doing and how they got the news vividly for the rest of their lives.

For me, day started out routinely. I was working for a security patrol company and as an insurance adjuster temp at Farmers Insurance Company in Northridge. I was working the two jobs as I was about to make my first trip to Japan in October. I had purchased my passport only days before September 11, 2001. 

On the morning of September 11, I was getting ready for work at Farmers while I perused the Dave Schutz Adventures of Superman message board. On the board, I noticed some postings about some sort of incident in New York. Reading further, I found that airplanes hit the World Trade Center. I then went over to and saw multiple bulletins posted. While reading, I turned on my Sony Watchman television set that sat on my computer printer. It was then I saw the horror unfold. I watched for several minutes until I had to drive to work. 

Above, the Pentagon under attack as caught by a security camera.

I was heading out of the house when my mom called me to tell me about the attacks. Following the telephone call, I grabbed my police scanner and headed out the door. Through the scanner, I was able to pick up radio broadcasts. I had the scanner turned on all day on my desk at work. 

At Farmers, two televisions were rolled out and were kept on all day. One of the workers had a cousin in New York who worked at the World Trade Center. As the day went on, he became more frantic as his cousin hadn't been heard from. Eventually, a family member heard from her. She reported that she left the WTC minutes before the first plane hit to go to the bank. When she returned, she saw the damage to the building and pieces of body parts scattered on the ground. She wasn't allowed back in the building. She spent the rest of the day trying to get home.

I immediately thought that Osama bin Laden was the culprit in the attacks, which turned out to be the case. It wasn't a difficult assumption. 

In weeks, the U.S. military was mobilized to wage war against al qaeda in Afghanistan. even though it took years to do so, bin Laden was found (in Pakistan) and killed. Al qaeda was decimated in Afghanistan. They were harbored in that country by the Taliban rulers.

Since His Fraudulency Joe Biden decided to pull out of Afghanistan in a poorly-planned (or not planned) manner, we are back to where we were 20 years ago. The Taliban have re-taken Afghanistan and will likely harbor Islamic terrorists again. If there is another attack on the U.S. mainland again like September 11, 2001, we can thank Biden for it. 

For now, today is a day of remembrance of that terrible day 20 years ago.

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