Saturday, October 23, 2021

Biden On Gas Prices: "Don't Have A Near-Term Answer"

Above, a gas pump at the Jamestown, New Mexico Flying J. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

A year ago, the country was energy self-efficient and prices of gasoline were down.

Now, everything is in chaos. His Fraudulency Joe Biden cancelled the Keystone Pipeline, preferring instead to have oil trucked. Never mind that there's a truck driver shortage. Biden suspended new oil and gas leasing and drilling permits on federal land and water. Now we have to rely more on OPEC for oil, whose prices on oil affects gasoline prices. 

During a townhall on CNN (Counterfeit News Network), Biden admits he has no answers. 

From the New York Post:

President Biden admitted during a CNN town hall Thursday night that he has no immediate solution to the problem of spiking gas prices and suggested that Americans would not start seeing relief at the pump until next year.

“My guess is, you’ll start to see gas prices come down as we get by and going into the winter – I mean, excuse me, into next year, 2022,” the president told moderator Anderson Cooper at the Baltimore event.

“I don’t see anything that’s going to happen in the meantime that’s going to significantly reduce gas prices.

“I must tell you, I don’t have a near-term answer,” Biden added before musing on the possibility that he could “go in the [Strategic] Petroleum Reserve and take out and probably reduce the price of gas maybe 18 cents or so per gallon, [but] it’s still gonna be above three bucks.”

To read more, go here

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