Saturday, October 23, 2021

New Front Plate For The Beast

A few days ago, I noticed that the Flying J re-stocked their souvenir shelves. This included some alien plates for the empty license front bumper space. New Mexico only has rear license plates, so the front is left empty unless the owner gets a novelty plate to fill it. The plate is a nod to the Roswell incident of 1947 involving a crashed UFO.

I had a New Mexico flag plate on The Beast's front bumper. But I noticed last weekend that the plate was badly faded. The yellow had faded to almost white.

I have an alien New Mexico plate on the front of my Mustang and it is holding up fine. So I decided to get one for The Beast. I bought it yesterday and installed it.

The photo below shows the plate after installation (with my ECV half-plate). The old plate is on the chair at right. Notice the yellow strip on it. The whole plate used to be all yellow like that.

Above, the new plate after installation. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

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