Tuesday, November 30, 2021

Back From The Post Office

Above, back from the post office. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

A little while ago, I headed down to the post office in the Flying J. There was no mail in my P.O. box but I did have a notice that a package arrived.

As soon as I saw the label, I knew right away what it was. It was a Christmas gift I ordered from Boot Barn (in case you didn't know, Boot Barn has other things besides boots).

My main concern at the moment I was handed the box was getting it home. I rode the mini-bike to the Flying J and have no rack on it.

I did manage to get a large bag with handles from Cinnabon to hang on the mini-bike's handle bar. That worked out fine. I'm still riding the mini-bike locally since the Mustang is still in the shop (should be ready by the end of the week) and the Jeep's brakes are out. I winterized The Beast and have it put away for the winter. I could use it in emergencies, but this wasn't an emergency.

Since the Mustang has been in the shop, the mini-bike has been getting plenty of use. Getting the bearings fixed on the mini-bike just before the Mustang's problems was rather timely.

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