Tuesday, November 30, 2021

U.S. Vacations In Cuba Still Come With Hangovers From Trump's Sanctions

Above, Mitch Geriminsky and yours truly after arriving at Havana Port in 2019.

What's the current state of American tourism to Cuba?

Well, despite promises made by Joe Biden during the 2020 campaign, nothing has changed. The restrictions on tourism travel to Cuba remain in place.

On November 11, Reuters posted:

HAVANA, Nov 11 (Reuters) - Cuba opens its borders next week signaling new opportunity for pandemic-weary travelers and the island's tourism industry, but for U.S. citizens getting there requires jumping through hoops like never before, according to the heads of eight U.S. tour agencies.

U.S. President Donald Trump ended cruise ship dockings, reduced flights to Havana and eliminated them altogether to the outlying provinces. His administration declared most hotels, bus and other Cuban tour services off limits because they were owned by the military, and made financial transactions more difficult in general, measures that remain in place under President Joe Biden.

"U.S. obstacles are the most significant in our more than 22 years of doing business in Cuba," said Michael Zuccato, head of Cuba Travel Services.

Tensions between Washington and Havana are on the rise ahead of protests planned by dissidents on the island for Nov. 15, the same day Cuba reopens its borders to international visitors. 

Above, the image of Che Guevara looms over the Plaza
 de la RevoluciĆ³n in Havana. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

I was lucky to take a cruise ship visit to Havana, Cuba just before the restrictions were imposed. 

To read more, go here

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