Thursday, December 30, 2021

In Search Of: Tamales

Above, the bag of tamales I found at the market. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

A little while ago, I returned home from my tamale-hunting trek in Gallup.

I contacted Erlinda's Tamale Shop this morning after my Messenger message of yesterday to them went unanswered. 

So, I decided to call them this morning. The owner said they've been closed for 3 months and may open in late January or early February. I then jumped into the car and headed to Gallup. 

After getting home, I found a reply on Messenger from them:

We are currently closed due to lack of employees.

I headed into Gallup to see if I can find tamales that are comparable to Erlinda's. Well, I didn't. But I did find some that look like they'd be okay, but there's an added bonus. I found some pre-made chile rellenos.  

Above, the chile rellenos I found at the market. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

Since I love chile rellenos, I decided to buy a package and try them out tonight.

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