Thursday, December 30, 2021

It’s Just Not Fun To Travel Now

Above, yours truly at Southfork Ranch near Dallas, Texas last January. Photo by Mitch Geriminsky.

Is travel now worth it? Is it fun anymore?

The answers to those questions is no. At least that is what travel writer Lois After Mark is saying in an article in

Here's a snippet:

The impact of travel on COVID seems pretty obvious, which is why the industry itself must take action. Scientists can predict surges based on holiday travel, and the number of people (including an unprecedented number of children) infected since Thanksgiving and Christmas, the two busiest travel times of the year, continues to soar. This is not a coincidence and it would be interesting to see how these numbers changed if unvaccinated people were banned from flying.

Airlines are still cancelling thousands of flights due to infected crew members, and because of COVID’s impact on travel (it works both ways), airlines are discontinuing routes, tourist boards are laying off staff, the cruise industry is suffering.

Even if you manage to get to your destination, it’s hard to be spontaneous anymore because you need to reserve entry times to museums and other attractions. Many restaurants and spas have closed and most indoor venues have limited capacity.

Travel just doesn’t seem worth the effort.

I’m sad and angry because it didn’t have to be this way. Travel – getting to experience places, cultures and people different from you – is so important and must be protected.

I have to disagree. I haven't let the pandemic stop me from traveling during the past year(s) of the pandemic. And I haven't contracted the virus. I got the vaccination in February and the booster in October. 

Sure, there are some inconveniences (such as wearing a mask) and some restrictions, but anyone with half a brain can easily adapt and carry on.

To read the full article, go here

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