Friday, January 28, 2022

2nd Amendment Group Sues San Jose Over Gun Bill

It was inevitable that the city of San Jose, California would be sued over their sweeping new gun bill, but sued they were.

Yahoo News reported:

A gun rights group has filed a lawsuit against the City of San Jose, California, after the city passed a gun bill it argues will reduce firearms-related incidents.

"The City of San Jose has taken the unprecedented step of requiring virtually all gun owners within its city limits to pay unspecified sums of money to private insurance companies and an unspecified fee to an unidentified government-chosen non-profit simply to exercise their constitutional right to own a gun," reads a lawsuit filed by the National Association for Gun Rights Tuesday.

At issue is bill passed Tuesday by the City of San Jose that will require gun owners to purchase liability insurance and pay "use fees" that the city plans to invest in "evidence-based initiatives to reduce gun harm."

To read more, go here.

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