Friday, January 28, 2022

Made My Day

Above, the photo Asya put in her original post.

This morning, I received a text from Asya in St. Petersburg, Russia that can only make one's day. 

Apparently, Asya posted a photo of herself in the western-style jacket (she picked it out) I sent her for Christmas on her Instagram page. Well, it received one response that was very sweet (obviously from a lady). 

Since I don't use Instagram, I had to re-type what Asya sent me with names redacted (respecting the privacy of the parties):

I want one! He sent it to you from the US? How sweet!  He's sounds like he's a catch and keeper! 

Asya replied:

Yes, he did!  It felt so touching.. Definitely one of the most attentive and chival gentlemen who I ve ever known. Such gestures makes you believe in men and humanity. 

And, for her, well-deserved, I might add. 

This is a great way to start a Friday morning! We sure can use more of this these days.

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