Wednesday, January 19, 2022

Can Drano Be Used In An RV Toilet?

Above, the bathroom in The Beast. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

Can Drano be used in an RV toilet?

Clogs in an RV toilet will happen, sooner or later. People often ask if Drano can be used to clear them. Well, that subject is in a post at Do It Yourself RV.

They start it with:

When you’re dealing with a blockage in your RV toilet, you’re probably willing to try just about anything to get it working again! However, RV plumbing systems are different from traditional houses, so not every product is compatible with them. This has led many people to wonder, “Can I use Drano in my RV toilet?”

In general, it is not safe to use Drano in an RV toilet. This substance can be quite harmful to the plumbing system of an RV because it can damage the rubber seals and lower the integrity of the pipes. It is also quite corrosive and can kill the helpful bacteria that break down waste in the holding tanks.

That is the short answer. But they do elaborate on the topic. 

To read more, go here.


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