Tuesday, January 18, 2022

New Mexico Democrats Push Vote For 16-Year-Olds, Felons

The Looney Left Report

You can always tell when the Democrats are desperate in elections. If election fraud through mail-in voting and ballot harvesting aren't enough to steal an election, they'll try something else.

In New Mexico, Gov. "Malevolent Michelle" Lujan Grisham is leading the charge to allow 16-year-olds and convicted felons to vote as well as creating straight party-line voting.

KFOX 14 reported:

SANTA FE, N.M. (TND) — New Mexico Democrats are pushing for major changes to the state's voting laws, including lowering the voting age to 16 for local elections, creating straight party-line voting on ballots and allowing convicted felons to vote.

The Democratic Governor of New Mexico Michelle Lujan Grisham, who is up for reelection in 2022, is leading the charge to pass the sweeping election and voter reforms.

To read more, go here.

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