Saturday, January 29, 2022

Countries Requiring COVID-19 Boosters

International travel (well, travel in general) is dicey right now at best.

Last year, we were told that two vaccine jabs would fully vaccinate us from COVID-19. Now they're saying that boosters are needed.

Some countries are now requiring booster shots for travelers in order for them to be fully vaccinated and allowed in.

TravelPulse has a list of countries requiring boosters.

They begin with:

Remember when we thought getting two COVID-19 jabs would render us safe and free to travel the world again? Not so, it seems. As the pandemic wears on and the virus mutates in ways no one could predict, the situation calls for more.

At least, that seems to be the belief among several foreign countries that have in recent weeks begun requiring international visitors to show proof of a booster shot in addition to their original COVID-19 vaccine series. Travelers with upcoming plans may find that the definition of “fully vaccinated” has suddenly been altered.

To read more, go here

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