Sunday, January 30, 2022

Spice Company's 'Republicans Are Racist' Promotion Backfires Spectacularly

Looney Left Report

I've seen many insane things done or said by the radical left wing, but the following takes the cake (well, at least for the end of January).

The Blaze reported:

A Milwaukee-based spice company is pleading with customers to buy gift cards after a recent promotion declaring that "Republicans are racist" backfired spectacularly.

Penzey's Spices used Martin Luther King Jr. Day to peddle their goods and besmirch Republicans. The spice company held a "Republicans are Racist Weekend" sale, which they promised to "cheese off racists." The spice company also offered Black Lives Matter stickers with every purchase during MLK weekend.

The company's owner sent an email to their customers that stated, "Remember how Republicans did all they could to derail that success by trying to drown out BLM’s message with shouts of all lives matter, and blue lives matter, and lying about the leaders of BLM being Marxists and Communists?"

In a 2015 interview, Black Lives Matter Global Network co-founder Patrisse Cullors openly admitted that she and fellow BLM co-founder Alicia Garza are "trained Marxists."

With idiots like Penzey's Spices around spreading lies, small wonder that this country has become so polarized.

To read the full article, go here

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