Friday, January 21, 2022

"GoldenEye" and "Tomorrow Never Dies" Yesterday

Last evening, I blogged:

Today's mail included three DVDs. One of them I ordered and two were Christmas presents from my former roommate Jessica.  

The two from Jessica were GoldenEye (1995) and Tomorrow Never Dies (1997), which star Pierce Brosnan as James Bond. I hadn't warmed up to Brosnan as Bond until after some years went by, so I hadn't added them to my collection. But more on those two movies tomorrow.

The one I ordered was Clint Eastwood's directorial debut, Play Misty For Me (1971). 

Actually, the three are Blu-rays.

I spent yesterday afternoon and evening watching the two Bond movies. I haven't seen either since their theatrical releases. It was probably due to my non-enthusiasm of Brosnan's Bond. But he has grown in my esteem since then, at least a little bit (I saw Brosnan in 2011 at a Los Angeles eatery).

Of the two, I found myself actually enjoying Tomorrow Never Dies more than GoldenEye, even though 007 fans and critics give GoldenEye higher marks. Funny thing, the evil media mogul plot in Tomorrow Never Dies seemed very far-fetched at the time (1997), but since the mainstream media has gone totally haywire with their biased "reporting" in recent years, it is not so far-fetched now.

Now my Bond movie collection is complete. Still, my preferred era for James Bond still is the Sean Connery era (I include George Lazenby's sole outing in On Her Majesty's Secret Service in that era) with Daniel Craig's a close second. 

I'll be watching Clint Eastwood's Play Misty For Me this evening.

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